Saturday, May 3, 2014

Alines in my train


Just uploaded my new track "Aliens in My Train". Now, I am also on Bandcamp and can download the tracks from there as well.

Aliens In My Train

SoundCloud Link:
In our spiritual journey toward the eventuality of supposed enlightenment, we at times are full of confusion, duality, restlessness and despair. The balance initially is very hard to find and one often tends to get pushed to the darker side of the truth. If you do not realize this in time, it will eventually suck you down into the ‘Blank’ of the ‘Inertia’. You as “mind” will then rest in nothingness instead of emptiness. 

“Aliens in My Train” is about this experience I had. It talks about the traveler spirit in space-mind trying to escape the black hole while also being chased by its own powerful duality of the ‘dark enlightened’.

Bandcamp Link

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kulla Bundah

I don't know if you are watching but I am here.

I work with Ableton Live. It is a great experience to create, mix and produce music. I prefer Electronica, Alternative Rock and a New Age Pop if that means something to you. I love writing songs and I like to sing. I have about few hundred of them. Will I be able to do it all in this life ? Let's see how far I can go.

I am not religious but  spiritual and I also have a darker side. My first track is devoted to a Hindu Deity  "Ganesha", the Lord of auspiciousness and prosperity. In ancient scriptures it is written that if you begin any thing new by meditating on Him, you will most likely have a perfect start and overcome all your obstacles.

I pray it works for me. 

I clicked this Image in one of the ancient Temples at Khajurao, India.

Click on the YouTube Link to see the video. To listen to better sound quality and for downloading this music check out my SoundCloud link (Below this video). Don't forget to leave a comment either way.

With Universal Love
Kulla Bundah